His birth Rostov State University of Communications (RGUPS) is obliged to rapid industrial development and railway construction in southern Russia. In 1929, the USSR Peoples Commissars issued a decree On Measures to ensure the national economy staff of engineers, approving the list of educational institutions, which included and Institute of Transport in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The Institute received official designation Rostov-na-Donu Mechanical Engineers Institute of Communications (RIIPS).

In accordance with the profile RIIPS - training engineers for the main types of transport - was organized by a set of students in three faculties: rail, water, road. October 1, 1929 to 292 students commenced studies from 1000 applicants.

At the general and special chairs were invited prominent scholars of the North Caucasus. It was the color of the scientific and technical intelligentsia southern Russia. Their creative personality, scholarship and personal charm to create an enabling environment for the successful operation of a large group of young technical colleges and for many years defined the highest level of educational and scientific work at the university.

By the mid 30-ies in general, ended the phase of development institute. By this time, was basically a training and laboratory and industrial base, to complete its restructuring in the railway industry and technical colleges, he became known as the Rostov Institute of Railway Engineers (RIIZHT).

During the Great Patriotic War RIIZHT was evacuated to Tbilisi. Despite the difficulties of the war years, university staff went on training for the rail and conducted research. In August 1944, RIIZHT evacuation returned from his hometown. During the years of occupation completely destroyed the main building, housing the engine department (now the Faculty of electromechanical), hostel number 1, production training workshops, equipment destroyed the power substation. Partially destroyed other buildings and structures, so all the attention the university sent a team to restore and upgrade the institute.

In subsequent years RIIZHT expanded and strengthened, new faculties, departments, classrooms and laboratories, academic and industrial premises.

The result of many years of fruitful activity has been the transformation of the university to the beginning of the 90-ies in the largest educational, scientific and cultural complex of the North Caucasian region and industry. In 1993 he was given a new status-status university. This merit of teachers, students and graduates. They dedicated labor to create a powerful material and technical base, formed of highly qualified scientific and human resources for the preparation of graduates, the high prestige of the university in the transport and industrial production.

Since October 2004 the full name of the University - a state educational institution of higher education Rostov State University of Communications.